Sunday, June 27, 2010

Special occasion...special cupcake!

Kelly (my sister) turned 30!! A milestone like that is deserving of a pretty special cupcake. So I got a little input from her and did my research.

Seen as late night s'mores were planned and we're in the middle of some serious summer heat she wanted something light and fruity. Definitely something I could work options are endless. After looking through my cookbooks and usual resources, nothing really jumped out at me so I turned to ol' reliable...Google. I came across some great food blogs, I LOVE food blogs and wound up piecing together the cake from one blog and the frosting from another. And that is how Kelly's Grand Marnier cupcakes with Strawberry Cream Cheese Frosting came to be the delicious birthday treat we celebrated her 30th with.

1 comment:

Zach J said...

Beautiful work Bellisima! Molto deliciouso!!!!!